Friday, July 29, 2011


Jesus was traveling through Ireland and all the Catholics and Protestants kept coming up to him and asking which of their religions was right. Jesus kept saying things like, “Remind me what the difference is,” or ”I just want a beer, go away.” But when Liam Neisen walked in or up or whatever and demanded an answer. All Jesus could do was run.

He ran for miles and every time he turned, Liam Neisen was right on his ass. Next thing he knew he was trapped between Liam Neisen and a cliff. Jesus yelled out, “I didn’t kill your wife, I only stabbed her a little.” Liam was obviously perplexed by this because his wife had been stabbed by a bearded assailant, recently. Jesus took the opportunity to stab Liam’s wife again, though what she was doing by that cliff God only knows, and he’s not saying.

Needless to say, Liam was pretty pissed now, so he drew his sword and stabbed Jesus in the throat. Jesus fell dramatically from the cliff with his arms flailing and the sword still in his throat. He fell quite a ways before pulling the sword from his throat and riding it witch-broomstick style to Liam Neisen’s house. There he hid on the roof and waited. He waited all night and eventually fell asleep. Liam, of course, had taken his wife to the hospital and then to church and then for ice cream.
Jesus hated waiting so he wrote a little note and left it on the door. It said, “Liam Neisen blows hard cock!” when Liam got home and read the note he chuckled and said, “Well not since college.” Then Jesus jumped out and stabbed Liam’s wife, which was really starting to get old. So she went down and Liam said, “Bloody hell, not again.” Then Jesus jumped about like Daffy Duck yelling, “Woo hoo, woo hoo!”

Liam chased Jesus around the house with a shotgun. Jesus turned and stuck his finger in the barrel and started to say something sexual about it and Liam blew his hand off. Jesus dropped to the floor and cried. Liam laughed and laughed and refused Jesus any medical attention until he told him which religion was right. So Jesus bled to death on the hallway floor and Liam buried his body in the ballpit at the local McDonalds.